I decided to run a Rocketry Camp this summer for the first time in TWELVE YEARS! It was a lot of work, but lots of fun. A special thanks to my volunteer middle-school helpers, Zach and Adam, and a big hug to my assistant, Dana. I couldn't have done it without you!
All reviews from parents and campers were AWESOME! Would you like to run a rocketry camp? If you have some experience with rocket building and launch, give it a try! This is the agenda I put together for my camp along with many links to resources that I used.
Rocketry Camp Agenda June 27-July 1 Blast Off! click here to view in google docs
Monday, June 27
- Welcome/Stowing Gear/Nametags (30 minutes)
- Mission Patches—computer room—NASA Mission Patch Activities site http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/playandlearn/shuttle-mission-games.html#d
- 9:30/10:00 Snack
- Mission patches: paper, glue, glitter, patch templates, examples of patches 11:30-1:00 Lunch and Outside Playtime—laminate mission patches
- Aero Rocket construction—rocket kits, tacky glue, sandpaper, scissors, pencils, white pencils, xacto knives. Then, leave to dry.
- Alka Seltzer Rocket construction and launch (inside)—film canisters, paper, notecards, tape, scissors, Alka Seltzer tablets, copies of the 1-2-3 Pop! worksheet from the Educator’s Guide
Tuesday, June 28
- Photos of campers with Rockets--camera
- Aero Rocket Loading and Launch—engines, charge batteries, recovery wadding, igniters, launch pads, heat glue guns for emergency repairs
- 9:30 Snack
- Begin Alpha construction—rocket kits, tacky glue/containers, sandpaper, pencils, scissors, rulers, exacto knife (teacher/assistant only)
11:30-1:00 Lunch and Outside Playtime—print out photos from AM
- 30 minutes of I Love Rockets movie
- Astronaut/Egg Drop construction—recyclables, masking tape, rubber bands, aluminum foil, eggs, scissors, string, bubble wrap, cereal boxes, etc. Each person can “shop” for 5 items ONLY (it’s like having a budget--NASA has one, too!)
- Astronaut Egg Drop—bring a trash bag to pick up the stuff.
Wednesday, June 29
- Straw Rocket Construction and Target Practice
- Snack and outside playtime
- Continue Alpha Construction
11:30-1:00 Lunch and Outside Playtime
- Coke and Mentos Activity
- Construct/decorate Bottle Rockets
- Bottle Rocket Launch--use soda bottle rocket launcher at https://www.thesciencesource.com/store/search.php?brand=&subject=&grade=&category=&product=bottle+rocket+launcher&Search2=Start+Your+Product+Search+%3E
- Snack
Thursday, June 30
- Finish Bottle rockets-launch
- Snack
- Painting Alpha Rockets—first coat--safety goggles and masks; spray paint and sheets of newspaper. The newspaper is rolled up into a long narrow cone to insert into the engine mount of the rocket--a handle for spraypainting!
- Astronaut craft--on large paper, trace each student in whatever position, then use craft materials to decorate a flight suit or space suit. Glue, tissue paper, markers, scissors, and craft materials like paint, ribbons, foil, etc.
11:30-1:00 Lunch and Outside Playtime
- Astronaut/Egg Drop II—The Rematch!!!!--in teams this time, and they can use 7 items instead of 5 items.
- snack
- Painting Alphas—masking and second coat of spray paint--masking tape
Friday, July 1
- Photos of campers with their rockets--camera
- Alpha Loading and Launch
- Outdoor Playtime (we’re already outside)
- Build a Launch Tower Activity--photos of launch towers that use triangles to support, 1 bag of mini marshmallows per team, large paper (for workspace) and at least one box of toothpicks per team (older kids will work faster and therefore need more)
11:30-1:00 Lunch and Outside Playtime
- Alpha Reloading and Relaunch
- Group Photos
- Balloon cars--see the NASA Educator’s Guide
Other activities in case you have more time:
These have a Buzz Lightyear theme, but you can find them without the Buzz pictures if you like.
1. Load the Shuttle Activity
- Toys in Space Activity
- Putting it all together
Favorite Movies to show while we are constructing anything (depending on the age group):
Muppets in Space
Space Jam
Bugs Bunny/Marvin Martian episodes
Star Wars
Apollo 13 (older kids--some language)
October Sky (older kids--some language)

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