Daria Musk sent me this email today:
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Hey Everyone!
I have some really insanely HUGE news to share with you!
Have you heard of Google+? It's Google's new social networking site (which is still in it's beta invite-only form).
Before last week I hadn't even heard of Google+, now because of it I've kinda gone viral on the internet and I've gained thousands of fans from all over the world!
Google+ changed my life last Saturday night. They have a cool "Hangout" feature where you can live video chat with up to 10 people at once... On July 16th I held what has now been officially called "The First Google+ Hangout Concert" for people from all over the world who were able to interact with me live!
There were so many hundreds of people trying to get into the concert that Google's top engineer and others were adjusting the tech on the fly by daisy-chaining the hangouts on their computers to work around the 10 person limit and get more people in! "Audience" members were kind enough to rotate out after a while to let other people "lined up around the block" into the 9 "front row seats" where I could talk to them, sing for them, see their world through the screen... and because I wanted to stay as long as there was an audience waiting I ended up playing for 6.5 hours straight!!!
Everything exploded after that... My email crashed three times... My phone has been ringing off the hook...
My heart is bursting with joy and I'm forever changed. I can't tell you what it felt like playing for little girls in Australia, guys in Argentina, Sweden and Germany, Spain, India, Vietnam, ladies in the UK and Texas and more and more all at once. I could see their faces, talk with them. They clapped, gave standing O's and held up lighters during the ballads. :-)
I wasn't just recording a youtube video to send out into the void... Here were real people and I got to feel them reacting to the moment with me, I sang looking into their eyes like a friend even though I was miles and miles away.
Even though I was in a little recording studio the woods in CT outside of NYC, as I played I got to see the sunrise in Norway (love to them today) through someone's screen (while I was singing my song "Foreign Cities"!), and see Sunday morning in Australia when it was nighttime here... Now I've got thousands of fans internationally, I got signed by Shakira's PR Firm, I'm on a first name basis with top engineers and execs at Google and I'm playing the 2nd Hangout Concert Saturday night (TONIGHT)!
And this time because of the demand for seats - in addition to the 9 "front row seats" where you can interact with me (Go to my G+ profile page: http://tiny.cc/
- there will be UNLIMITED viewing for anyone and everyone at www.hangoutparty.com !
Here's a post I put up on G+ that explains everything about TONIGHT'S G+ HANGOUT CONCERT 2 and how to attend: http://t.co/jN95THN
Here's a picture posted by an "audience" member from my first Hangout Concert in Norway (my heart goes out to him today - Thankfully he and his family and friends were unharmed in the senseless and terrifying attacks in Oslo. I will be singing for them all at my tonight's concert) who stayed up all night with us and set his laptop down in front of a window to get a picture of me playing with the Norwegian sunrise behind me.
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The Press Picked Up The Story Too...
It got written about on CNN: http://money.cnn.com/news/
Here's some of the coolest articles from the last couple days where I get mentioned as a top internet celeb to follow on G+ and I get mentioned as a young musician who's following perfectly what Richard Branson says young musician's should do, and I called as interesting as Wililam Shatner and Dane Cook! Lol! http://tiny.cc/bransondar , http://tiny.cc/globaltweets , http://tiny.cc/musically , http://tiny.cc/celebsanddar
Here's a post from a G+ fan (I call them G+niuses) who recorded the very last song after 6.5 HOURS: https://plus.google.
Watch for lighters and cell phones waving from G+niuses in the little windows below! :-)
(Click the links they lead to the story on sites around the world)
China : zhangshuo (@zhangshuo)
音乐人 Daria Musk 利用 Google+ Hangouts 直播演出视频:
独立流行音乐人Daria Musk最近潮流了一把,她和自己的乐队利用Google+
aliadodigital (@aliadodigital)
Daria Musk hace un webcast en vivo con Google+: Confirmando lo que habíamos
anticipado sobre el potencia…http://bit.ly/nIRVMh
kerascenemusic (@kerascenemusic)
Daria Musk uses Google+ for a live webcast: We’ve written about Google+ in recent weeks wondering
how it might b…http://bit.ly/qdYgll
NeoSting (@NeoSting)
Un premier concert live sur Google+ via Hangouts par Daria Muskhttp://nst.im/oTgI1K
movadaltd (@movadaltd)
Hangouts can turn broadcasts into a two-way medium: Indie pop singer Daria Musk spent more than
six hours in a G…http://bit.ly/qicfvk
Paris, France:
lesindigenes (@lesindigenes)
Hangouts can turn broadcasts into a two-way medium: Indie pop singer Daria Musk spent more
than six … http://bit.ly/nRaKZyvia @
pgsimoes (@pgsimoes)
via my #googleplus Hangout concert by +Daria Musk . What a great idea. ;)
Daria Musk originallhttp://dlvr.it/bX4cq
shashank_singh (@shashank_singh)
Message at End of Daria Musk’s G+ Concert “OUR 6.5 HOUR G+ HANGOUT CONCERT HAS ENDED…”http://t.co/JpSI4Ux
SO COME VISIT ME ON G+ at: http://tiny.cc/gplusdaria, if you need an invite to sign up replay to this
email and I'll hit you back with one!
If you sign up today you'll have a chance of getting into tonight's Hangout Concert front row with me!
And even if you do or don't sign up there will be UNLIMITED viewing for anyone and everyone at
I start at 7PM Eastern US Time... But I plan on playing ALL night to meet as many of you as possible!
What a wild beautiful world.
I truly want to thank all of YOU for supporting, loving and believing in me first.
We're on our way now to exciting new adventures and I can't wait to take you with me!
With gratitude and love,
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