So, on the eve of my 30,000th lifetime blog hit, I wanted to do something special. Let's donate to charity! Here's how we're going to do it: I sent out links on my Google+ feed and my LinkedIn feed (I don't have a Twitter feed, but feel free to tweet this) about getting the 128 more pageviews it will take to get me over 30,000. I get nothing from the transaction but satisfaction of hitting a numerical milestone.
So, I checked my AdSense account. I was going to remove the ads, because let's face it, I thought. I'll probably never get a check from them. THEN IT HIT ME: Leave the ads. In fact, let's put MORE of them in there. Then, send a message to the universe that any AdSense check I get (I've never gotten one--I don't even really know how it works) will go straight to my favorite charity: Heifer Project International.
My goal is to be able to donate a Heifer, but maybe that is too modest a goal for such an amazing community. I'll post on my AdSense account progress as you guys click like crazy on the just never know...
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