Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tools for Science Projects!

*Also check out my other posts on Science Project Tools:
  1. Science Buddies = True Science Project Love
  2. Using Google Docs in your Science Project Fair
  3. Paperless Science Fairs
  4. Memonic--your own Internet Research Secretary
We have our first big project of the year starting this month--the amazing 8th Year Expert Project!  This is the capstone project for our Montessori 8th graders at Fraser-Woods School in Newtown, CT.   Essentially a huge independent-study project, their job this month was to write the proposal for the project in a middle-school sized "thesis proposal" format.  Essentials for beginning a large scale project at the middle school level:
  1. One of the most important tools I have is my Timeline.  It helps me organize myself with backwards-design principles...starting from the nights I know they have to present and having an idea of how long each stage will take, I design the timeline to fit the time we have.  My class webpage is on Google Sites, and Google Sites has a page template called a "List" that you can use to create your timeline.  
  2. If you take a look at my timeline, you'll see that it is formatted like a checklist and has four columns, including one that is called "Related Documents".  This is my favorite column.  It allows me to attach a link to a template, related website, how-to video or google document that the students need to complete the assignment.  This relieves everyone of the "I lost my copy of the assignment" excuse and, frankly, the kids love this feature. **Note, if you put a link there to a google document, make sure you share the document publicly in GoogleDocs first.  
  3. I ask that all of my students print out the list at the beginning of the project and tack it up somewhere at home where they can easily refer to it at any time.
  4. You can update the list at any time.  I update due-dates regularly, because we are a Montessori school and our schedule is interrupted often with special events, trips, speakers and activities.  I always announce list updates clearly in class and I will often provide copies for major changes so the kids are aware of the changes.
  • To create that type of page, click on the create page icon on the top right side of the homepage after you have signed in.  Then click on the drop-down menu under the heading Select a template to use.  Select List from the dropdown menu.
  • Name the page.  Try a name that includes "Timeline", like "Science Fair Timeline".
  • You can even customize the URL of the timeline page by clicking change URL.  This will only change the last part of the url to your desired characters.
  • Select a location for the page.   If you have created the Google Site solely to create the timeline, then click Put page at the top level>Create and voila!  Your timeline page has been created.
  • Now the page prompts you to choose a template for the list.  If you know you have specific column headings for the list you want, click Create your own>use template.
  • A box entitled "Customize Your List" will pop up.  If you want your timeline to look like mine,  you will need four columns.  Type the column name "Completed?" into the box.  Click Type>Checkbox.
  • Add New Column>"Assignment name" under column name.  Type>Text
  • Add New Column>"Due Date" under column name.  Type>Date
  • Add New Column>"Related Documents/Websites" under column name. Type>URL
  • To sort your items by due date (which I recommend, but you can change this at any time by clicking Customize this list once you have created the list) click First Sort by> Due Date>Ascending>Save.  
  • To add items to the list once it is created, click the Add Item button.  Don't check Completed? until the due date for the item has passed.  Enter the assignment name, the due date and any related documents that you'd like to attach.  
  • There you go!  Project timeline Checklist!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Teaching Students to Tell Time with the Stars and Google Sky

Wow!  The set of lessons on "telling time with the stars" from ARIES Exploring Navigation: Location, Direction and Latitude  was just amazing!  My middle schoolers loved it, too--on their self evaluations it was the highest rated set of explorations for them.

You can't get the lessons for free, however, you can contact Charlesbridge Publishing to receive some sample lessons, or purchase a download license for all of the teacher and student lesson materials ($30) from the website.

The tool that you and your students will build to tell time with the stars (and you'll learn how to find latitude and longitude with the stars, too)  is called a Nocturnal. or star dial, nocturlabe or horologium nocturnum.   It has been used for centuries to navigate by the stars.  The photo at the right is a working nocturnal that can be worn as jewelry!

The tricky part to these explorations is that you need to practice in the classroom to make sure the kids know how to use the tool, but they must actually do the star-gazing at home.  The teacher materials provide detailed ideas on posting constellations and guide-stars on the wall in the appropriate locations...but I had a fabulous idea!  Why not use Google Earth (in Space mode) and have the stars in the correct locations already?

I actually used the Google Earth method as a way to give my students a performance assessment on the proper use of the nocturnal.  It worked like a charm, because I could change the positions of the stars accurately for each class, without having to climb the wall.

Here are some photos of my students during their "test":

Monday, December 5, 2011

Exploring the Reason for the Seasons in Middle School--with ARIES from Charlesbridge Publishing

There is one essential question in middle school science that often is misunderstood, mistaught, undertaught or simply overlooked that is central to our experience here on planet Earth and that exists as a standard in every state curriculum in the United States and probably most all over our world (especially in areas north of the Tropics):  "What is the reason for the seasons?".

Many people, many extremely educated people (register with Annenberg Media to see the video "Private Universe" and you'll believe it when you see the Harvard professor and graduates explain their own misunderstandings) have incomplete or incorrect ideas about the reason for the seasons.  An overly-simplified reason is "The tilt of the Earth causes the seasons".  This answer is incomplete and provides lots of room for the insertion of ideas that are at odds with what scientists have agreed are the real "reasons for the seasons".  

An example of one of those ideas is that the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is a greatly exaggerated ellipse.   It is no wonder that most people hold onto this idea--it is reinforced by thousands of textbooks and diagrams that show the orbit of the Earth around the Sun at an oblique angle to save page space; the result is that the (nearly) circular orbit of the Earth ends up represented as an elongated ellipse--often with the Sun at the center.   Shown are several examples of that type of diagram:

Having seen so many of these images, which certainly COULD be useful for teaching some concepts accurately, but have so far managed to do more misinforming than informing--a student could hardly be blamed for believing that the the orbit is an extremely eccentric ellipse with the Sun located at the center, and not at one focus of the ellipse.

Here are more accurate (from above) diagrams that could help disspell these myths if used more widely...but simple exposure to the ideas illustrated here is not the answer, either.

"  Images from

Oh, alright alright...the whole point of this post is to offer a curricular resource that I have used for many years that addresses all of these ideas.  The ARIES physical science curriculum by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (published by Charlesbridge) is an effective answer.  Students love the freedom of exploration.  Teachers love the lesson extensions and discussion questions, with included assessments of all types...including performance assessment ideas.

I worked with faculty from Harvard to train with and test the curriculum and I've used it for years.  It's fantastic and you can even buy apparatus only need to provide glue and scissors, usually.

Friday, December 2, 2011

StarDome:'s Interactive Star Map--Personalized for You!

Fantastic for use on an Interactive Whiteboard, or simply for use as a projection in the classroom.

"StarDome simulates a naked-eye view of the sky from any location on Earth, at any time and on any date. StarDome gives you a graphical overview of the sky and detailed information about stars, deep-sky objects, planets, and selected asteroids and comets. 

You can quickly jump to the next eclipse, transit of Venus, Mars opposition, or Full Moon. View the constellations and explore data on more than 2,500 stars, or zoom in for a closer look at planetary configurations.

The first thing you'll notice when StarDome displays is the large circular, all-sky map. This is an interactive version of the map you'll find every month inAstronomy's pull-out section. The zenith (the point directly above an observer's head) is in the center of the map, and the horizon, complete with compass directions, forms the outer boundary. 

The second thing you'll notice is that the only active tab is the one labeled Explore the Sky. All of the other functions are available in StarDome Plus, an observing tool available only to magazine subscribers."

"Tech talkStarDome is a small program — called an applet — written in the Java language from Sun Microsystems. When you visit, your web browser downloads the applet and executes it. For StarDome to function, you'll need the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3 or higher, and you'll need to set your web browser to enable Java content."

Click here to go to the webpage for full instructions on how to use StarDome

Friday, November 25, 2011

Google Music and My Friend Daria Musk--free download of her newest single!

Daria Musk is a dear, sweet friend and she also happens to be an unbelievably incandescently accomplished musical artist who has found recent, explosive international fame via Google+ Hangouts.  To read her whole story and listen to her music, click here or here.

To read about Google Music, click this link.

Daria has her 4th Google Hangout Concert tomorrow night, 7pm Eastern Standard Time (New York City).  View it live at, or join the hangout on Google+ (if you can snag a front row seat).

Take your kids picture with Santa...ON THE MOON!

Science Santa is in the building! Forget the typical Santa pictures. Have your family photo taken with Science Santa on the moon, floating in space, or next to a rocket ship! Science Santa will be here until 3pm today and from 11AM-3PM on Saturday and Sunday for the Science Santa Extravaganza!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stargazing with your family on Thanksgiving weekend, Nov 24, 2011!

With family and friends visiting this Thanksgiving, why not take them outside tonight for some stargazing?  It is a favorite activity for kids, teens and adults.  No fancy equipment necessary, but sometimes it helps to have an idea of stuff to look for to hold everyone's interest.  

Tonight in Connecticut, it is a beautiful evening to stargaze, and the stars will hold the spotlight tonight because there is a new moon (not visible) at around 1 a.m.   

Highlights include transit of Ganymede in front of Jupiter on Monday night--you need a telescope for this one...
Friday, November 25
New Moon occurs at 1:10 a.m. EST. At its new phase, the Moon crosses the sky with the Sun and typically remains hidden in our star’s glare. But for a few lucky people, that won’t be the case today. Observers in South Africa (during the morning hours) and Tasmania (late afternoon) will witness the Moon take a tiny bite of the Sun. Viewers on New Zealand’s South Island will see the Moon devour some 30 percent of our star as the pair sets. Remember that when viewing the Sun during a partial eclipse, protect your eyes with a safe solar filter.

Saturday, November 26
Look just above the southwestern horizon early this evening and you’ll see a waxing crescent Moon paired with brilliant Venus. The two will present a pretty photo opportunity with the colors of twilight serving as a backdrop.
Eunomia reaches its peak in late November, when it glows at 8th magnitude while passing in front of the California Nebula (NGC 1499) in southern Perseus. Astronomy: Roen Kelly
Sunday, November 27
The asteroid 15 Eunomia glows at 8th magnitude among the background stars of southern Perseus. This normally wouldn’t be an object to highlight, but tonight the 200-mile-wide (320 kilometers) space rock sits right on the edge of the California Nebula (NGC 1499). Although this glowing gas cloud appears prominent in photographs, it is difficult to see through a telescope. Use a Hydrogen-beta filter and observe under a dark sky to make it more noticeable. In contrast, Eunomia stands out because only a few stars in its vicinity shine as bright.
Monday, November 28
If your sky is clear, head outside as darkness falls and look to the southwest. There you’ll see a lovely crescent Moon silhouetted against the background stars of Sagittarius. Although just 17 percent of our satellite is in sunlight, look carefully at its unlit side and you should see a faint illumination. This is “earthshine” — light from the Sun that reflects off Earth, hits the Moon, and then bounces back to our eyes. It shows up well on a thin lunar crescent because, from the Moon’s point of view, Earth appears almost completely lit.

Tuesday, November 29
Target Jupiter with a telescope this morning and you’ll swear the giant planet has a black eye. In reality, the dark spot traversing the jovian disk is the shadow of the solar system’s largest moon, Ganymede. The satellite itself first appears against the planet’s bright atmosphere at 1:51 a.m. EST (10:51 p.m. PST on the 28th). Its tiny disk takes just over 100 minutes to cross the gas giant’s south polar regions. But the more interesting event begins at 4:55 a.m. EST (1:55 a.m. PST) when Ganymede’s shadow first falls on the planet’s cloud tops. This conspicuous shadow transit, which occurs after Jupiter sets along the East Coast, lasts until 6:48 a.m. EST (3:48 a.m. PST).
The Summer Triangle – one of the first sights you’ll see on fall evenings – doesn’t even belong to the autumn sky. It consists of the three bright stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair.
Photo by Jan Kald
Wednesday, November 30
Although the calendar may say late November, the Summer Triangle of bright stars remains prominent during early evening hours. Look high in the west-northwest after darkness falls and you’ll spot Deneb, a conspicuous point of light despite being the faintest of the three. Brighter Vega lies directly below Deneb (and nearly halfway to the zenith), while Altair lies about 45° (one-eighth of a complete circle) to Vega’s left.
Brilliant Venus appears less than 1° north of the Teapot asterism's lid December 1. Astronomy: Roen Kelly
Thursday, December 1
Venus lies among the background stars of Sagittarius the Archer this week. Shortly after sunset tonight, you can see the brilliant planet less than 1° north of 3rd-magnitude Lambda (λ) Sagittarii, the star that forms the lid of the Archer’s Teapot asterism.

The eclipsing variable Algol in Perseus reaches minimum brightness at 6:18 a.m. EST tomorrow morning. If you start watching it during late evening, you can see its brightness diminish by 70 percent over the course of about 5 hours as its magnitude drops from 2.1 to 3.4. Algol appears nearly overhead in late evening and dips lower in the northwest after midnight.

Friday, December 2
First Quarter Moon occurs at 4:52 a.m. EST. The Moon doesn’t rise until shortly after noon local time, however, and by the time darkness sets in, our satellite appears 55 percent lit. It then lies in western Pisces, just west of that constellation’s Circlet asterism.

Venus appears 0.8° southwest of the globular star cluster M22 this evening. You will likely need large binoculars to see the cluster in the darkening sky shortly after sunset.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prezi, online presentation app--educators get a 500megabyte license for free!

I was just snooping around on the Edmodo Science Community and I found a presentation posted by Eric Jones on Falling and Gravity.  Very cool NOVA Science Now video embedded about digging a hole through the Earth, by the way.

I've never heard of Prezi before cool!

Normally, the accounts with some bells and whistles cost about 60 dollars per year, but if you are an active teacher, you can get a free account with 500 megs of online storage space for FREE!
Click here for the link to the teacher account page.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Leonid Meteor Shower This Week! They Might Be Giants Explains Meteors in a Song.

Prime Viewing Tomorrow and Friday nights!

For those teachers that are in Astronomy units with their students right now, be aware that the Leonid Meteor Shower is in prime viewing position on Thursday and Friday nights this week:

Though the meteors can be viewed all night long, on both days, just around midnight and at around 3 a.m. local time, those who stay up should be rewarded with the best view of the rain of falling stars if it's not cloudy. 

Though the annual shower will be less spectacular than in some years, "the Leonids are pretty famous for having a good number of bright ones," says Ben Burress, staff astronomer at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland.  

For those who don't want to get up in the middle of the night, just before moonrise is a good time to watch, Burress says. Thursday, that will be around 11:30 p.m. On Friday night/Saturday morning, moonrise will be at 12:30 a.m. Saturday morning.  Though the shower itself lasts for several weeks, the peak comes at around 3 a.m. both Friday and Saturday morning, when the maximum number of meteors should be falling. Because the moon will be in quarter phase, its light will wash some of the shower out, so go out before moonrise.  

Next year, the meteor shower viewing conditions will be better.  It is easier to see the meteors when the moon is in crescent phase or new phase.

If you are wondering how to explain to your students what a meteor (or shooting star) is, this simple and very catchy tune by They Might Be Giants from their grammy winning album "Here Comes Science" will help to clear things up.  The actual song starts at around 2:30 in the video...this is a live performance of it with sock puppets.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Educational Rap by Rhythm Rhyme Results: Layers of the Earth

Two years ago, an educational aide in one of my classes mentioned that one of her students found this fantastic rap song that helped him learn the Layers of the Earth.  I pictured something excruciatingly amateurish off of youtube...boy was I wrong!  The song, called Layers of the Earth, by Rhythm Rhyme Results is a song that is so well produced, with fact filled lyrics that are accurate and useful (they don't just rhyme).

Click this link to hear a sample of the song.  If you scroll down on the page that the link brings you to, you can find the lyrics (which are easily copy-pasted into Word).  I paid $19.98 for the whole Science Album as a downloadable zip file, but as you see above...there's a coupon--but QUICK IT EXPIRES TODAY!

How I use the songs:
1. I copy the lyrics and give a copy to each student, along with a highlighter.
2. We listen to the song together (usually the downtempo version which is easier to learn because it is slower), nice and loud, while I have the lyrics up on the whiteboard.
3. After the first listen, I ask the students to go through the lyrics and highlight anything they find to be important, interesting or words that are unfamiliar or need defining.  Then we discuss anything, and I clarify what the lyrics may be referring to  (for instance, is the 4000 in degrees fahrenheit or is it 4000 miles?  what does he mean by "one down, three to go"?)
4. Then we listen again.  I don't require the kids to sing, but I do sing and dance around a bit myself  ( I know these songs REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEallly well) which encourages a little bit of grooving on their part.
5. I usually ask the kids if they want to try listening to the "Recall" feature, which leaves out certain words to see if they can fill them in.  This is easier to do if you have the lyric sheets that are provided on the download, which have the omitted words printed in blue ink.
6. If they are feeling really confident, they can then try the "instrumental" version.
7. The only rule I have is that they can sing during song play, but they can't talk.  Usually, students will want to listen to the songs at least three's not too many because the music is THAT GOOD.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mythbusters Tour Comes to Connecticut!

Yeehaw!  Jamie and Adam are coming to the Bushnell Theater in Hartford, CT next March 31, 2012.  Click here for a tour schedule.

I do love a good mythbusting, and this show will be particularly appropriate for me this year, because the theme of our science fair this year has been selected in honor of our School Theme: The Year of the Story.  So, the Science Fair theme is: Myths, Legends and Folklore: BUSTED!  Or something like that...I'd like to do a Middle-Level mythbusters-type of fair.  Perhaps this is where we could go for our field trip right before the fair?

There is a link to buy tickets for a group...I wonder how much they would be?  I will update this post when I discover what the group rate is.

Mythbusters On Sale Now! from MAGICSPACE Entertainment on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Asteroid Passes Close to Earth...Right NOW!! Grab your telescope!

Look!  It's a bird, it's a plane...holy cow, it's the biggest asteroid we've ever seen come this close (so close...about 210,000 miles...closer than the moon) to the planet in the next hour or so.

Free FUN!! Lesson on the Nature of Science and Inquiry--a.k.a. "CUBE OF SCIENCE!"

Cube of Science!
This is one of my favorite activities to do with my newest science students at the beginning of the school year.  I usually do this with my 6th graders, because I teach all three middle grades, and it is a great way to introduce the idea of SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY (also known as the scientific method, sometimes)--tons of fun!
Click here to download the PDF, with color and blackline masters of the cubes.
Click here to download the SMART Notebook file (interactive die) that has the same PDF as an attachment.

I didn't write this lesson, it is a lesson from a book called Teaching Evolution and the Nature of Science by the National Academy of Sciences.  I have used this lesson for TWELVE years in various iterations, and I am always pleased with the results.  

Ways that I have modified the lesson from it's current format:
1. I make a large number cube out of a cardboard box instead of giving out small ones.  We do the first part as a large group--I display the cube on a stool from a lab bench so the students cannot see the bottom.
2. I do not put anything on the bottom of the cube--no "accidents" that knock the cube down will reveal the answer...this drives the kids nuts, but (and?) it models the real 'no answer key' nature of science inquiry.  After all, there is no big book of science answers anywhere that tells the scientists if they got it right...
3. Generally, I don't let the kids use the mirrors or tongue depressors as "technology" models.    In fact, the students can't touch the cubes at all...they have to ask their classmates what is on the other side--they can't turn it themselves.  This models information sharing across the lab, state, country or globe that goes on with scientists around the world.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Updated/Upgraded Google Presentations Editor! Finally.

Thank goodness!

The new version of Google presentations

Whether you’re trying to wow your boss with an end-of-quarter presentation or impress your classmates with an animated book report the new version of Google presentations can help.
Check out some of the new features in the latest version of Google presentations:
  • Character-by-character collaboration: See updates in realtime as you edit presentations with other people.
  • Drawing on canvas: Draw organizational charts, flowcharts, design diagrams and much more right within Google presentations.
  • Transitions: Enhance your presentation with new ways to transition between slides.
  • Shape linking: Turn shapes within your presentation into hyperlinks to other slides, presentations, or external webpages.
  • Better animations: We’ve added new themes to make it easy to create show-stopping presentations.

Transition to the new version of Google presentations

We hope that switching to the new version of Google presentations will be a seamless transition. Here's how to enable the new version of Google presentations:
  1. Click the gear icon in your Documents List and select Documents settings.
  2. On your settings page, check the box next to "Create new presentations using the latest version of the presentation editor."
  3. Click Save.
Once you enable the new Google presentations, all of your new presentations will be created in this editor. Any presentation you upload and convert to Google Docs format will be converted to the latest version of Google presentations.
The new version of Google presentations takes advantage of the most up-to-date technology, such as HTML5. For this reason, new Google presentations are only supported in modern browsers. For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome, which supports all of the new features in Google presentations.

Which version am I using?

An easy way to tell if you're using the new version is to if there there is a red plus sign underneath the File menu. If there's not, you're using the old version of Google presentations.
Add Slide Icon

How do I upgrade my older presentations to the new version?

At this time, it's only possible to create new presentations in the new version of Google presentations. Older presentations will remain in the old format for the time being, and we'll eventually upgrade them to the new format to give you all of the benefits of using the new version.
You can copy old presentations into the new version by using the import slides feature or by copying and pasting slides using the web clipboard.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy "Population: 7 Billion" Week! There's a Free App for That!

This week officially (October 31 to be exact--frighteningly spooky, yes?) marks the significant milestone of the Earth hosting 7 billion people on her surface, simultaneously.  In order to commemorate this momentous happening, and perhaps wake us up to some realities that are equally hopeful and alarming, National Geographic has created the 7 Billion App available for FREE! in the Apple App Store for a limited time.

As of today, November 2, 2011, the National Geographic 7 Billion App is the most popular app in the App Store!  I just downloaded it to my iPad 2 and I've been glued to it for an hour.  Some of the statistics are alarming, many are surprising (HOW many megacities?), and even more are instructional and hopeful:  how to minimize our impact, how living in urban areas decreases energy demand, and how much space we take up.

"FREE – Limited Time!
National Geographic magazine presents 7 Billion: How your world will change - to coincide with the arrival of the 7 billionth human being to our world. This app explores the challenges of a growing human population in a world of limited resources with informative videos, interactive maps, in-depth articles, and stunning photography. 
Featured content includes….
- How big is 7 Billion? An insightful video of the demographic trends that got us here today and how it will impact us tomorrow.
- Birth of a New Brazil: How big families are out, to the credit of strong-willed women—and the steamy soaps that inspired them.
- The Face of Seven Billion Interactive: Tap on the “typical face” to find out who the most typical human is
- Rift in Paradise: As the global population increases Africa’s Albertine Rift gives us a glimpse of what is at stake in the decades ahead.
- Bangladesh: See how resourceful residents of this country refuse to give in to rising seas
- Food Ark: Explore how preserving heirlooms seeds and breeds are crucial if we hope to feed our hungry world.
And to be incorporated into the app in December 2011: 
- Cities are the Solution: They may be the best way to lift people from poverty and preserve the environment.

This app is presented by DuPont

About the National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Society has been inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888. It is one of the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

World Science Festival with NOVA and Brian Greene!

Join a live conversation with Brian Greene, exploring how scientists are piecing together the most complete picture yet of space, time, and the Universe.

Held at at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre, the event begins at 9 PM with the premiere broadcast of the first episode of NOVA’s The Fabric of the Cosmos, followed immediately by a live Q&A hosted by Greene, with special guests including renowned theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind and Saul Perlmutter, winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.
The Q&A will also be streamed live as an interactive webcast at 10PM ET/9PM CT at
  • Get the conversation going now and ask your questions via Twitter (using hashtag #WSFforum), or submit questions on the World Science Festival
    Facebook wall »
  • Tune in to the live webcast at on Nov. 2 at 10pm ET and submit your questions live during the webcast »

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

YouTube SpaceLab: Get your students experiments into space!

"Imagine your experiment, 250 miles above Earth, for the world to see. What will you do? We're asking you to come up with a science experiment for space and upload a video explaining it to YouTube. If your idea wins, it will be performed on the International Space Station and live streamed on YouTube to the world. And we'll throw in some out-of-this-world prizes, too. Can plants survive beyond the Earth? Could proteins in space reveal the mysteries of life? Science in micro gravity can help unlock the answers. The countdown's begun."

Watch the video below, or click here to go straight to the SpaceLab page where they have all of the important information, like submission deadlines, requirements, age groupings (sorry, middle and elementary schoolers, you have to be at least 14 years old...), etc.


There will be six Regional winners chosen from each of 5 Global Regions (so that's 30...).  

Regional Winners:

A trip to Washington, D.C. USA, including an
exhilarating ZERO-G flight.
A Lenovo© IdeaPad© U300s Ultrabook™ each.

Global Winners:
There will be two Global winners (one from each age group) that will win the following:

Your experiment is carried out on the International Space Station and streamed live from space on YouTube.

An amazing space experience of your choice: watch the rocket with your experiment blast off in Japan or wait until you're 18 and take cosmonaut training in Russia (WHAT???).
A trip to Washington, D.C. USA, including an
exhilarating ZERO-G flight.
A Lenovo© IdeaPad© U300s Ultrabook™ each.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Novel Uses of Google+ Hangouts Leads to Breakout Internet Music Sensation with Musical Artist Daria Musk

This text is quoted directly from artist Daria Musk's Google+ page:
HANGOUT CONCERT 3 + Daria (+Daria Musk) SATURDAY AUG 20th!!!

Hi G+rgeous G+niuses!!
I'm bursting with excitement... Ok breathe...
It's my total thrill to announce that my 3rd G+ Hangout Concert will be on Saturday, Aug 20th at 6pm (Eastern Standard Time).

As you can see in my photo below I've tried to add some start-times for a few of your cities around the world. ;-) And as you know, I will play through my night into your mornings and afternoons to have the chance to meet you, laugh with you, dance with you, sing for you, and see your cities and bedrooms and sunrises and your beautiful faces.

There will be some exciting new things going on at this concert that I can't wait to tell you about:

My 3rd Hangout Concert will be the first place where you can get the FREE DOWNLOAD of my song inspired by this amazing G+ Community, called "+1 Me".*
It's my humblest, deepest 'thank you' to you.
(And just the beginning of me spending my lifetime giving back to you in every way I can, especially in song.) If you haven't heard it yet, here's a video from Hangout Concert 2: Daria Musk "+1 Me" Live Google+ Hangout Concert

Concert 3 will also be the first place anywhere where I will have available and ready to download my very first singles, chosen by you!!

Before I met you brilliant and amazing people about 3 weeks ago, I was just starting to record my first album… Now you're a living breathing part of that process for me and I can't tell you how blessed I feel. So of course my first songs will be available to YOU first at Hangout Concert 3!!

I think I was even writing songs about you before we met here! ;-) (Evidence Exhibit A: "You Move Me" a song about finally connecting with someone - or lots of someones - who lift you up, move you to the core and shake you into your heart… I sing "All around the world, you move me!" Watch it live from Concert 2 here: Daria Musk "You Move Me" Live Google+ Hangout Concert)

Just like last time, Concert 3 will be Live-Streamed so that anyone anywhere can watch it! You can watch at and that's also where you'll find the links to download "+1 Me" and my first singles!

There will also be a handy "Join This Hangout" button right on so you can watch and click to join as G+niuses rotate in and out of the "front row seats" where we can meet and talk face to face!! There will be more live-streaming details and updates as we get closer to the show too.

This is one of my favorite things about G+: how we work together as a community, a team and a family! At Hangout Concerts 1 and 2 people would click "Join This Hangout" stay for a few songs, a few laughs and make some friends from all over the world ... and then exit the Hangout to let someone else in. It's organized by you G+niuses working together. :-) Last time people even posted on my page saying things like "I'm dropping out in 30 seconds, start clicking to grab my spot!"

One of the most amazing things about our community of G+inuses here is how effortlessly global is it! Because of you I feel like I have friends now in Norway, Australia, Ghana, The Dominican Republic, Portugal, Sweden, US, UK, everywhere… It's a dream come true... the most wildly beautiful thing I've ever experienced… And because of that I want to make sure I'm giving back as much love as I can globally! (Here's a post I wrote earlier this week about connecting to a girl in Africa through Save The Children:
And there will be some cool announcements leading up to the concert about some Global Give-Back tie-ins I'm working on! :-)

I know AUG 20th sounds like it's far away, but I'm also planning a bunch of really cool things leading up to it… :-)
I'll be talking with lots of you G+niuses for articles and blogs (GUEST BLOG POST FOR MIDEM hits Monday! Ahh!!), I'll be popping into hangouts, getting inspired by all of you, launching a Soundcloud Page where you can record your voices saying "You Move Me" in your native languages for inclusion in the song(!!!) and lots more!!

So stay circling for updates, details, events and other fun stuff leading up to Hangout Concert 3!! I can't wait to talk with you each day as we get closer...
Your notes, photos, messages, and faces all make my heart pop with joy!

I am so totally G+rateful and cannot wait to see you again!!!
Your G+rl Forever and Always,